The Love of God

An Intimate Look at the Father-Heart of God

by Oswald Chambers

Drink deep and full of the love of God and you will not demand the impossible from earth’s loves; then the love of wife and child, of husband and friend, will grow holier and healthier and simpler and grander. —Oswald Chambers If you need to be spiritually refreshed and renewed in your walk with the Lord, this book is for you! In personal and practical terms, Oswald Chambers, one of the world’s most beloved Christian authors, encourages you to step back and think about your commitment to the Lord. He plumbs the depths of God’s Word to discover spiritual treasures that can help every believer “run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

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Language en_US
ISBN: 978-1-62707-980-8
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 136
PubDate Feb 3, 2020
Trim Size: 5.375" x 8"
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