Adventuring Through The Bible - New Testament (Simplified Chinese)

Simplified Chinese translation of Adventuring Through The Bible New Testament

by Ray C. Steman & James D. Denney

Get an exciting and thorough overview of the New Testament! Pastor Ray Stedman’s concise, easy reading style will make every New Testament book accessible in an entertaining and powerful way. Adventuring through the Bible—New Testament provides outlines, themes and applications for each book, as well as charts, maps and timelines. It’s everything you need, all in one place! Makes the perfect companion for pastors, preachers and housegroup leaders.

值得信赖的作者司德曼以易懂易读的方式,带领读者从创世记到玛拉基书,综览整本旧约圣经。本书内容附有图表、地图、年代记事表、彩色图片,是帮助读者们深入发掘并真正理解旧约圣经中之历史和信息的绝佳工具。 即使你已经对旧约的故事相当熟悉,这本书也会使你增加对新旧约圣经彼此间关联性的理解。你会看到旧约中的每一件事,从人的原罪到先知所发出的预言,都指向我们的救主耶稣基督。本书对于牧师、小组长或一般的基督徒来说,都是绝佳的圣经阅读资源。

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More Information
SKU E7686
Language zh_CN
ISBN: 978-1-62707-004-1
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 335
PubDate Jan 31, 2013
Trim Size: 9.25" x 6.75"
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