My Utmost for His Highest (Traditional Chinese)

Traditional Chinese translation of My Utmost for His Highest

by Oswald Chambers

The beloved devotional My Utmost for His Highest has challenged, encouraged, and moved people to think more deeply about their relationship with the Lord. The golden book of Oswald Chambers has sold more than 13 million copies, and has helped to ignite countless individuals' faith. You'll find 365 thought-provoking meditations, in a Traditional Chinese, softcover edition, that will challenge you to be the person that God designed you to be.

We want to continue to reach people with the Christ-centred wisdom and spiritual challenge of Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest. This edition features an updated cover design for a fresh, contemporary look, while the timeless truths within remain the same.

As we strive to keep Oswald Chambers' words alive for each new generation, our prayer is that you will soak in the richness of My Utmost for His Highest and relish its wisdom.

此書自出版以來,廣受好評。每日的靈修篇章都充滿屬靈洞見,發人深省,讓許多基督徒得著激勵。但語言會隨著時代而變化,為了讓新一代的基督徒也能從這本書受惠,於是現代版的 My Utmost for His Highest 在1992年應運而生。

靈命日糧事工的使命是讓改變生命的聖經智慧,變得易懂、易得,我們致力將上帝的話語以淺顯易懂的方式帶給讀者。《竭誠獻上》便是根據此英文書的現代版本(Updated Edition in Today's Language)翻譯而成,譯者的語言精煉,字字珠璣,深入淺出地帶出上帝深邃的真理。我們盼望這全新的譯本能讓讀者對聖經有更深的體會和領悟,幫助他們生命成長,越來越像耶穌基督。

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More Information
Language Chinese (Traditional)
ISBN: 978-981-14-0905-9
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 368
PubDate Sep 30, 2021
Trim Size: 8.25" x 5.875"
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