Our Daily Bread Journey Through: 1 & 2 Timothy (Traditional Chinese)

Traditional Chinese translation of Our Daily Bread Journey Through: 1&2 Timothy

by Robert M. Solomon

“Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well.” —1 Timothy 1:18 NIV

The letters of 1 and 2 Timothy are Paul’s heartfelt words of guidance, written in the isolation of a prison cell to a young pastor, Timothy. Knowing his death was imminent, Paul’s key charge to Timothy was to remember that belief leads to action: he must watch his life and doctrine.

In this 50-day devotional Bible study, discover how you too can watch your life and doctrine so you can, in the words of Paul, fight the good fight, finish the race, and remain faithful to the end. Learn motivational faith lessons and conclude each devotion with thought-provoking questions, paired with a page to journal your thoughts.

The Journey Through® series from Our Daily Bread Ministries brings a devotional approach to Bible study. Various authors walk passage-by-passage through a selected book of the Bible, connecting the Scriptures to life today with fresh insights that invite a closer walk with God.

提摩太前後書這兩封書信是保羅寫給他的接班人——提摩太的肺腑之言。其主要的目的是要鼓勵提摩太的福音事工,因為傳福音的工作在末後的日子將會越來越困難。保羅給提摩太的勸勉不因時間的流逝而失去其意義,對當今的基督徒同樣適用。他慎重地囑咐年輕的提摩太要謹慎看待自己的生命和聖經的教導。「謹慎」一詞代表「小心仔細地注意」,就像許多人關注自己身體的健康 狀況一樣,一察覺不妥就馬上採取必要的行動。藉著這本書,你能學習如何謹言慎行,謹守教導,使你也能打一場美好的仗、跑完當跑的路,並且持守所信的道,忠心到底。

蘇諾銘博士(Dr. Robert M. Solomon)于2000年至2012年間擔任新加坡衛理公會會督。退休后,他受邀至世界各地擔任特會講員及授課。他著書超過40本,包括《忠心到底》、《鍥而不捨的上帝》、《你的人生可以更精彩》、《父母的心靈補給站》等等。

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More Information
Language Chinese (Traditional)
ISBN: 978-981-11-8417-8
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 108
PubDate Dec 31, 2018
Trim Size: 8.25" x 5.875"
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