Our Daily Bread Journey Through: Acts (Traditional Chinese)

Traditional Chinese translation of Our Daily Bread Journey Through: Acts

by David Cook

Embark on a journey through the book of Acts, and see how the Holy Spirit empowers the church to witness in ever-widening circles until the gospel reaches the ends of the earth.


谷德維(David Cook)曾在澳大利亞悉尼(或稱雪梨)宣教與聖經學院(Sydney Missionary and Bible College)擔任校長達二十六年。他是一位著作甚豐的作家,撰寫了多部聖經註釋書、以小先知書為題的書籍,及好些研經材料。

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More Information
Language Chinese (Traditional)
ISBN: 978-981-11-6754-6
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 112
PubDate Apr 30, 2018
Trim Size: 8.25" x 5.875"
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