Our Daily Bread Journey Through: Luke (Traditional Chinese)

Traditional Chinese translation of Our Daily Bread Journey Through: Luke

by Mike Raiter

What does it mean to follow Jesus? And what will it cost us? Join the twelve disciples on their journey with Jesus, and explore Luke’s account of what they learn as they accompany their master on His long journey to Jerusalem - and to the cross.  Find out what discipleship really means as you discover the joy of following Jesus.

跟隨耶穌是什麼意思?我們需要付上什麼代價?邀請你加入十二個門徒與耶穌同行的旅程,並透過路加這位作者,來探索門徒在伴隨耶穌長途旅行到耶路撒冷並走上十字架道路的過程中,所學習到的功課。你將會發現作主門徒的意義以及跟隨耶穌的喜樂。 雷墨恪(Mike Raiter)是牧師、講道培訓教師,以及澳洲墨爾本神學院(Melbourne School of Theology)前任院長。現為聖經佈道中心(Centre for Biblical Preaching)主任,著作豐富,當中包括榮獲2004年澳洲基督教作品獎的《心靈的觸動》(Stirrings of the Soul)。

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More Information
Language Chinese (Traditional)
ISBN: 978-1-62707-832-0
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 135
PubDate Oct 31, 2017
Trim Size: 8.25" x 5.875"
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