Praying The Prayers of the Bible (Simplified Chinese)

Simplified Chinese translation of Praying The Prayers of the Bible

by James Banks

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“Come and talk with me.”—Psalm 27: 8

 David cried out to the Lord for help when he was fearful, discouraged, even disobedient. The Israelites praised and thanked God for delivering them from the Egyptian army. The prophet Habakkuk continued to approach the Lord with a spirit of hope and joy—even though he knew his people would soon face difficult times. In the lives of many people throughout the Bible we find examples of practical and relevant conversations with the One who says, “Come and talk with me.”

In Praying the Prayers of the Bible, you’ll find a collection of Scriptural prayers for everyday living, intimate talks with God that will engage your spirit. Taken straight from the Word, these topically-arranged petitions help you tell the Lord how much you appreciate Him, ask Him for wisdom and guidance, and so much more.  

 Each section begins with a meditation and ends with “prayer starters” to guide you as you spend personal time with the Lord. This insightful book also includes suggestions on when to pray these prayers and an index of references to both the Old and New Testament Scriptures.

Discover how you can grow deeper in your faith, renew your strength, and experience fresh blessings. Respond to God’s invitation to come into His presence, and experience His amazing power to do more than you could ever ask or imagine.

我们可能很难理解全能与全知的创造主会想要和我们对话。祂是无所不知的上帝,我们还能告诉祂什么呢?这个问题,我们无从回答。有时候,生命中也有太多忧伤和痛苦,使我们无言以对。 但是上帝总是给予我们祂的话语和盼望,使我们不致陷入自我设定的牢笼中。祂赐给我们圣经,其中充满了祂子民的祷告文。当我们用上帝的话语祷告,我们的心与生命便得以敞开,活出更大的信心,得着从祂而来的力量、全新的祝福,以及祂「能成就一切超过我们所求所想」的大能。 用圣经的话祷告,可以帮助你将圣经中的祷告转变成自己的祷告。此书内容涵盖赞美与尊荣上帝的祷告、感恩的祷告、祈求日常需用的祷告、祈求引导和方向的祷告等等。书中的每一章都以一篇默想的短文开始,并以「让我们来祷告」作结尾,帮助我们与上帝对话。 愿此书能帮助你开启和加深与上帝沟通的方式,并且发现祂正对你说:「来吧,来寻求我的面。」

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More Information
Language zh_CN
ISBN: 978-1-62707-254-0
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 196
PubDate Dec 31, 2016
Trim Size: 8" x 5.33"
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