Faithful To The End: A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy (Traditional Chinese)

Traditional Chinese translation of Faithful To The End: A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy

by Robert M. Solomon

In his last known epistle, Apostle Paul, the extraordinary missionary to the Gentiles, left a poignant reflection on the most important matters in life. As we read and meditate on 2 Timothy, we are challenged to think about the direction and destiny of our own lives.

Are we in the Story of Jesus or are we in the many faulty and futile stories of the world? Are we being useful to the King of kings or are we wasting our lives in something transient and puny when measured against eternity?

These questions and more come to us from Paul's epistle and have to be answered in each of our hearts. Robert Solomon's passion for biblical exposition helps us plumb the depths of God's Word and let it casts its search lights on our lives so that we are taught, rebuked, corrected and trained in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

你正置身何處?在耶穌基督的故事之中,還是世界眾多錯謬而虛空的故事之內呢?你將會合乎萬王之王所用,還是把人生浪費在相對于永恆而言,短暫而微不足道的事上呢? 當我們研讀保羅的最后一封書信,這些問題將一一湧現,而每個人都必須打從心裡回答這些問題。 致力于釋經講道的蘇銘諾藉此書,幫助我們深入地研讀上帝的話語,讓生命得到鑒察與光照,因為祂的話語于教訓、督責、使人歸正,教導人學義,都是有益的,叫屬上帝的人得以完全。(提摩太后書3章16節) 讓我們一起研讀,深入探索,學習如何奔走天路並「忠心到底」。

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More Information
Language Chinese (Traditional)
ISBN: 978-1-62707-547-3
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 224
PubDate Dec 31, 2016
Trim Size: 8.125" x 5.75"
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